Venue Application Form

Venue Detail
Type Of Event *:
Event Detail
Name of Event *:
Start Date *:
How Many Days *:
Start Time *:
End Time *:
Upload Event Proposal (Image or PDF file only) *:
Entry Process
Registration Required?
Entry allowed for the following segments *:
Expected no. of attendees (Numbers) *:
Contact Information
Contact Name *:
Position Title *:
Email *:
Mobile Number *:
Office Number:
Upload Civil Id or Passport (Image or PDF file only) *:
Company / Organization Information
Company Name *:
Company Address *:
Company Field of Operation *:
Company Website *:
Type of Organization *:
Upload Organization Document (Image or PDF file only) *:
Required Documents
a. Non profit: applicant must upload valid commercial license.
b. Private sector: applicant must upload valid commercial license or civil ID copy of authorized signatory.
c. Government sector: applicant must upload civil ID copy of authorized signatory.
* Mandatory Field